Thursday, October 30, 2014

Formal Uniform Policy Adopted for AMS Officials

At the last meeting of the AMS Officials Committee a formal AMS Uniform Policy was adopted, effectively immediately.

The following AMS Official’s dress code has been developed so that all officials can dress in a neat and consistent manner and thus convey a professional appearance. Attire should be such that it does not draw attention to the official – no short shorts, no short skirts, and no revealing shirts/blouses. The attire is worn by wet-deck and dry-deck officials alike. Officials must have their current registration cards at all times while working meet sessions. Deck Pass will satisfy this requirement. In lieu of displaying credentials, AMS Officials will wear the host clubs’ provided wrist band allowing them on deck.

Shirt: The shirt worn shall be plain white, with a collar, and long or short sleeve.
Female officials may wear sleeveless collared shirts. Logos may appear on the shirt, however, the logo shall be restricted to the front of the shirt, and the sleeve area.
The logos may not contain, or represent the following: alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, AMS or other USAS LSC member team names or logos, or suggestive/offensive messages. A Meet Shirt provided by or purchased through USA Swimming or Allegheny Mountain Swimming is acceptable. The shirt should be tucked in to the pants, shorts, or skirts, at all times while on deck.

Shorts/Pants/Skirts: These items shall be navy blue in color. Cutoffs of any type are not allowed. Jeans/denim are not appropriate attire for officials on the deck.

Socks: Socks, if worn, should be plain white. Manufacturer’s logos should be subdued.

Footwear: Athletic shoes are preferred. If they are worn, they should be as white as possible, with little or no color and avoiding to the extent possible bold and brightly colored logos and stripes. Closed toe sandals are also acceptable; however, it is recommended that any closed toe sandals worn should have a heel strap to assist in keeping the sandal securely on the foot. Open toe shoes/sandals are not permitted.

Hats: Hats are permitted at outdoor meets only.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Officials Rosters Updated to 10/21/14

AMS Officials Rosters have been updated and can be viewed on our website. To view the current rosters, click here. Please contact Bob Mermelstein at if there are any issues with your certifications.

Friday, October 17, 2014

AMS Officials Getting a New Logo

We're not sure how long we've used the standard AMS Officials logo...but it's been a really long time. Take a look at our new logo, which will be available soon through Log Cabin Embroidery.

Our plan is to provide one shirt to those officials volunteering to work "x" number of sessions at the Christmas Meet in December (details still being worked out) and then as you order new AMS Officials shirts, you'll be getting the new logo. Shirt prices will remain unchanged.

The creative genius behind this logo is our very own Referee extraordinaire, Dave Watterson. Quite a talent, wouldn't you agree? Be sure you thank him next time you see him on deck. Might there be a similar logo adopted by AMS? Hmmmm. Time will tell.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Allegheny Mountain Men of Movember

Our good friend and fellow AMS Official, Scott Pauley, has been involved with an organization that focuses on men’s health, including raising money for prostate cancer and testicular cancer research to name two. The name of the organization is the Movember Foundation. They’ve found a way to have fun while doing good. We figured, why not create our own team of AMS Officials and Coaches…

Allegheny Mountain Men of Movember 

In the month of November, you may see some of your fellow AMS Officials and Coaches sporting mustaches of various shapes and sizes. In support of men's health initiatives, this group of guys have joined the Movember movement and formed their own team, called the Allegheny Mountain Men of Movember. For the Month of Movember we will be busy sprouting hair on our upper lips to build awareness about men's health, raise funds for a good cause, and also have a bit of fun teasing each other on deck during our November swim meets. We're sure many of your family and friends would love to support you in this fun endeavor.

We invite all AMS Officials and Coaches to the team. Just go to the link below to sign up. If you don’t want to sport a mustache but want to make a donation to the team, you can do that, as well. If you just want to poke fun at us on deck during Movember, that's OK, too.

Stay tuned for ways our Mo-sista officials can become involved too, by sending permission slips to our male officials, and by donating to our team.

This should be a lot of fun and will allow us to do some good at the same time!

To view the Movember rules, click here.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

AMS Officials Committee Creates a New Award

At its last meeting, the AMS Officials Committee unanimously approved the creation of the Jamy Pfister Official of the Year Award, established to annually recognize an AMS Official who has contributed outstanding service as an AMS/USA Swimming official.

The award is named in honor of Jamy Pfister's many years as an AMS official, both on our local pool decks and across the world. Recently recognized as an Outstanding Woman in Swimming, Jamy really had much to do with breaking down the barriers between men and women officials so that there were only officials...and gender really had nothing to do with it. After spending well over 40 years as an official (it's actually rumored that Jamy disqualified Moses for a one hand touch when he parted the Red Sea), Jamy is retiring form the sport she loves. And, so, with this award we will honor Jamy's tremendous impact on Allegheny Mountain and USA Swimming, having mentored so many of us.

The award will be presented in the Spring at the conclusion of the Short Course season. Congratulations Jamy! This recognition is very much deserved!

New Initiative for AMS Officials

Coming soon to an AMS Official near you...

Look for the unveiling of a new, fun initiative for our AMS Officials. We should be ready to reveal our top secret initiative for AMS Officials and a way to do something really good for others by week's end! Curious? Me too!

Friday, October 10, 2014

New Approach to Meet Session Sign Ups for Officiating Coming Soon

The AMS Officials Committee has now instituted, beginning with the BPR Mini/Xmas Qualifier (November 22-23) and thereafter, a centralized place for officials to go and sign up to work at meets. This should make it easier for officials to indicate their intent to volunteer to work meets. You can sign up for a single session, multiple sessions, multiple meets all in one worksheet.

You'll continue to receive requests from meet hosts but instead of your sending an email or calling the Officials Contact from that club, you'll visit the single workbook to sign up (the link to this workbook will be included in each request). We all can access the spreadsheet so we can see at any time where each meet stands with officials at any position and can quickly identify problem areas.

We believe this will be an improved approach. Each meet has its own spreadsheet within the single Google doc workbook. I've provided the link below. It is our hope that by streamlining the process, it will improve our ability to attract officials to work meets.

If you already know your schedule looking forward, go ahead and sign up for those sessions you intend to work. The meet hosts will send out requests as the meet gets closer, as they always have.

We appreciate your helping to implement this new approach.

To access the workbook, click here.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Need Observers for Pitt Invitational on Nov 21-23

Pitt has requested that we provide observers for their upcoming Pitt Invite being held at Trees Pool on 11/21-23. As you know, in order for their swimmers' times to be entered into the SWIMS database, the meet must be observed by USA Swimming Officials.

We need at least 2 observers for each session (prelims and finals each day). It should be a really fun and fast meet. If you've never attended a college meet, they have a much different feel to them than a USA Swimming meet.

The available sessions are as follows:

Friday November 21
Prelims 10am – 12:30pm ish
Finals  6:00pm – 9pm  (actually 6:25 start swimming…diving is first)

Saturday November 22
Prelims 10am – 12:30pm ish
Finals  6:00pm – 9pm  (actually 6:25 start swimming…diving is first)

Sunday November 23
Prelims 9am – 11am ish
Heats of 1650 – approx. 1-2pm
Finals  3:00pm – 5pm 

Below is a link to a spreadsheet to sign up for the various sessions. I'm not sure what the limit will be per session but sign up and we'll work with Pitt to figure out the number. I'm thinking 4 observers per session would be ideal. You won't be officiating in the traditional sense but will merely observe, especially necessary for events where NCAA and USA Swimming rules vary slightly.

Pitt and the other participating teams will really appreciate our support.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

AMS Officials Launches its New Website!

AMS Officials, we now have our own website!

Like several other TeamUnify LSC's, we now have our own website to provide important resources and information to our AMS Officials. Take a look and let us know what you think. Go to and enjoy. The site can also be accessed from the AMS website by clicking on the "Officials" tab. You'll be redirected to our new site.

It is a work in progress. As the Officials Committee continues its work on providing a myriad of resources and tools to our officials, it will be added to the site. If there's anything you believe would be valuable to have as an online resource, let me know. 

We'll continue to use our blog as a great way to communicate with our officials about rules and process, news, share interesting officiating tidbits or just spread nasty rumors about your fellow officials.

Important Changes Arising out of the 2014 US Aquatic Sports Comvention

In September 2014, USA Swimming had its annual convention. I wanted to pass along a few items of interest...

  • USA Swimming will be creating a new level national level meet called the Legend Series. It was noted that there was a significant gap between the qualifying times for the Super Sectional meets and Junior Nationals and wanted to create something in between. The Series will be held in the summer and should begin in 2015. These meets will likely be Officials Qualifying Meets and will allow more opportunity for officials to work on a national level deck.
  • FINA is once again trying to change the rule related to the optional butterfly kick permitted at the start and after each turn of the breaststroke. Their proposed wording is nearly identical to the High School rule in that a swimmer will be allowed to optionally take a single butterfly kick at any time prior to the first breaststroke kick after the start and each turn. This would eliminate the need for a horizontal separation of te hands prior to allowing this butterfly kick. If passed by FINA, it will be adopted by USAS.
  • There were some allowances in permitting deck changing by swimmers. This has now been eliminated and, effective January 1, 2015, there will be no deck changing under any circumstance.
  • It appears that we're just a few months away from the allowance of a backstroke wedge/ledge. If you don't know what this is, google an image of the wedge/ledge. It gives the swimmer a better grip on the wall with their feet to launch off with. This will likely be allowed after Winter Nationals in December. Stay tuned!
These are the highlights of some of the changes that will have impact on us as officials.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Application to Officiate - 2014 Christmas Meet (QM14-146)

With the start of the new Short Course season, we look ahead toward December where the 2014 Christmas Meet Invitational will once again be a Officials Qualifying Meet (QM14-146). As you know, this is a very large, fast meet with swimmers coming from other LSC's to compete in a fast pool against fast competition. 
We need as many officials on deck as we can as the meet is run at both ends of the pool. Please indicate your availability to officiate by completing the Application to Officiate (click here). You can also indicate your desire to become nationally certified (or recertify). This year, we're pleased to be bringing Bob Griffiths as our National Evaluator. Bob is a member of the USA Swimming National Officials Committee and is well known in swimming circles across the country. Scott Wilshire will also be an Evaluator.
We look forward to seeing you at the Christmas Meet at Pitt (and many meets leading up to this meet)!