Thursday, October 2, 2014

Important Changes Arising out of the 2014 US Aquatic Sports Comvention

In September 2014, USA Swimming had its annual convention. I wanted to pass along a few items of interest...

  • USA Swimming will be creating a new level national level meet called the Legend Series. It was noted that there was a significant gap between the qualifying times for the Super Sectional meets and Junior Nationals and wanted to create something in between. The Series will be held in the summer and should begin in 2015. These meets will likely be Officials Qualifying Meets and will allow more opportunity for officials to work on a national level deck.
  • FINA is once again trying to change the rule related to the optional butterfly kick permitted at the start and after each turn of the breaststroke. Their proposed wording is nearly identical to the High School rule in that a swimmer will be allowed to optionally take a single butterfly kick at any time prior to the first breaststroke kick after the start and each turn. This would eliminate the need for a horizontal separation of te hands prior to allowing this butterfly kick. If passed by FINA, it will be adopted by USAS.
  • There were some allowances in permitting deck changing by swimmers. This has now been eliminated and, effective January 1, 2015, there will be no deck changing under any circumstance.
  • It appears that we're just a few months away from the allowance of a backstroke wedge/ledge. If you don't know what this is, google an image of the wedge/ledge. It gives the swimmer a better grip on the wall with their feet to launch off with. This will likely be allowed after Winter Nationals in December. Stay tuned!
These are the highlights of some of the changes that will have impact on us as officials.

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