Friday, February 20, 2015

Maintain Your Credentials

As you know, in order to be a full fledged AMS Official, you must maintain your USA Swimming non-athlete Official membership in USAS. There are three components necessary to maintain your registration:

  1. Be sure that your club registrar (or you if you're not attached to a club) sends in your USAS non-athlete member registration application for the current year. The membership year is the calendar year so your membership should be expiring on 12/31/2015. 
  2. You must complete the online Background Check found on the USAS website at Background checks don't expire at the end of the year but, instead, expires every two years at the end of the month in which you successfully completed the BC.
  3. You must complete the online Athlete Protection Training found on the USAS website at The APT is an annual requirement and expires on a calendar year basis, as well (i.e. for currently registered non-athlete members, your successfully completed APT will expire on 12/31/2015).
It is important that you keep track of when your BC and APT expire. If they do expire, you will not be permitted on deck to officiate until they are brought current. There are a handful or so of officials who have allowed their BC and/or APT to expire. Please be sure to update them immediately so we can keep you on deck. 

Your time and dedication to the sport of competitive swimming is greatly appreciated. Hope to see you all on deck soon.

Look for news soon about our 1st Annual Officiathon to be held this spring!


  1. Is there a way to receive an email reminder a month prior to expiration to remind us to complete BC or APT? We already have a hard time filling all the slots at meets for officials without losing them to expired credentials.

  2. Cindy, unfortunately, that feature doesn't currently exist in OTS but I'll bring it up with USAS. That would be a nice feature. In the meantime, I would suggest that each official put a reminder in their electronic calendar one month out.


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