Monday, September 22, 2014

New AMS Officials website

Coming VERY soon! 

Look for the launch of our new AMS Officials website! We will unveil our new site in the coming day or two, if all goes according to plan. Details to follow!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

NEW REQUIREMENT for Referees, Starters & Chief Judges

The following policy was adopted by the AMS Officials Committee at the September 8, 2014 meeting...

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania passed into law, effective July 1, 2012, legislation that provides better monitoring of concussions in PA’s interscholastic athletes. Among other things, the legislation mandates that coaches must complete a concussion management certification training course offered by an approved provider.

In some other states, including Ohio, their legislation requires that an individual who referees interscholastic athletic contests must have completed within the last three years a training program in concussion recognition.

The Allegheny Mountain Swimming Officials Committee recognizes that concussions happen in athletic competition and that it is important that Officials be trained in concussion awareness. As a result, all AMS Referees, Starters and Chief Judges must complete, as a requirement of their certification, an approved online concussion education course. This certification will be valid from three years from the date of completion. This requirement must be completed by December 31, 2014. After 12/31/14, an AMS Official will not be allowed to function as a Referee, Starter and/or Chief Judge without this certification.

The AMS Officials Committee strongly encourages all of its certified officials to complete the online concussion education course but it is not required.

The following free online training courses have been approved by the AMS Officials Committee for its Referees, Starters and Chief Judges:

National Federation of State High School Associations Concussion in Sports - 

Click the “order here” button, and complete a brief registration form to take the course. Follow these steps to complete the course:
1.  *   Click on the button that says “Please Login to Order.” In the window that appears, click “Register Now.”

2.    * When your registration is complete, you may "order" the free concussion course offered along the left-hand side of the page. Continue following prompts. Although it may look like you will be charged for the course, there is no cost.

3.    * Once you've completed "Checkout," you will be able to take the free online course.

4.    * When you have completed and passed the course, you have the option of printing a certificate of completion.

5.    All AMS Officials should select this option to print, retain a copy of the certificate and carry it with them to all meets.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Heads Up Concussion in Youth Sports 

Once you have completed your training, please forward a scanned copy of your certificate of completion to Bob Mermelstein, AMS Officials Chair at

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Preparing for the Short Course season...Part 2

As we march toward the beginning of the Short Course season, it's a good idea to refresh our understanding of the technical rules of swimming promulgated by USA Swimming. Since most of us have been off deck for over a month (with nearly another month to go), it's easy to get rusty.

Last week, we reviewed the butterfly stroke. Today, let's move on to breaststroke. There's a lot to be aware of in the breaststroke. For many, the breaststroke is the most difficult of the strokes to officiate. I hope you find this video informative. 

Remember, too, that in January 2014, USAS Rules & Regulations Committee provided a revised interpretation of the breaststroke and butterfly separated hands requirement. You can find that interpretation by clicking here.

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So, without further delay...

Breaststroke video

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Important Information About Nametags

Effective immediately, there is a change in the way we order nametags in AMS. As many of you know, in past years (for as long as I can remember) we sent out nametag orders once or twice a year and then struggled to get each and every official who ordered one their tag.

Problem solved! Each and every AMS Official can now order their nametag online through Hasty Awards. The nametag costs $5.95, including shipping. It takes less than two weeks typically for your nametag to be delivered. No more waiting for months.

To order a nametag, click here. It's a simple process...even an Official can do it! No more unidentified officials!

Preparing for the Short Course season

Most of us have been off deck for awhile. It's often helpful to review the rules as a way to "get our heads back in the game". Over the course of the next few weeks, I'll be posting training videos to help us get ready for splashdown. Remember, the Short Course season kicks off with First Splash on either 10/4-5 of 10/11-12. Let's get reaaaadddyyyy to rumble!

Today, I'm posting two short videos. The first video reviews some general officiating rules. The second video is the first of the stroke videos and reviews butterfly. Enjoy! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post a comment to this blog entry (of contact me privately if you prefer). Note: the videos may start at some point in the middle of the clip. Just move it to the beginning so you can enjoy the entire video

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

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