Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Athlete Protection Training Date Change

The USAS Safe Sport Committee voted to make the Athlete Protection Training good for two years instead of one year. As a result, they have pushed all of the 12/31/14 APT expiration dates to 12/31/15

Effective on September 1, 2014, the APT expiration date is based on the year that the training was taken. For example, if you complete the training anytime between January 1 and December 31, 2015, the APT expiration date will be December 31, 2017 (if completed in January, you essentially get three years). Anyone completing the APT after September 1, 2014 and until January 1, 2015 will have an APT expiration date of 12/31/16.


  1. Your 2014 card will not be updated. The 2015 cards will reflect the correct date.


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